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Uhtred questions the whereabouts of the Mercian Guard. Ludeca explains that they are leaderless without Eardwulf and the fyrd is disheartened and scattered. Æthelflækreisdurchmesser tells Uhtred and Aldhelm to restrain themselves until after she’s had a conversation with Edward.

Es gibt Gewiss sogar Altverträge, die du vor langer Zeit in trockenen tüchern hast oder die du Angeblich noch von deinen Erziehungsberechtigte hast. Entscheide zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt, ob du nach in der art von bislang dahinterstehst oder jene kündigst oder einfach weiterlaufen lässt.

The slave ship is filling up with water. Uhtred, Halig, and Finan dump the water out of the ship using buckets. Uhtred asks Hakka to release them of their chains, but he refuses. Either they’ll bail out the water or sink with the ship. Whilst the other slaves Reste, Uhtred continues to bail out water.

He instructs young Uhtred to follow the monks to Bebbanburg. However, he is no warrior and questions why his father has such faith in him. Uhtred explains that he has the spirit of their family within him. It’ll give him a strength that he does not know yet. He instructs young Uhtred to take a horse and ride the road north, close to the shore, where he’ll find the monks and join them. Uhtred, Beocca, Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric suddenly find themselves being confronted by the villagers, who are less than welcoming. ("Episode 4.2")

Stiorra helps Father Pyrlig distribute the grain among the people, but the villagers become too unmanageable and Ausgangspunkt fighting over the grain. Stiorra is thrown to the ground and Uhtred and Finan intervene. Uhtred takes control of the situation. While they may have suffered, turning on each other won’t save them.

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Meanwhile, young Uhtred has been captured by Wihtgar. He suspects that young Uhtred was trying to steal away and demands to know why. Wihtgar tortures young Uhtred for answers. When he can’t get the answers out of him, Wihtgar kills both monks. When one of Ælfric's men attempts to kill him, young Uhtred tackles his attacker to the ground and nearly chokes the life out of him before Uhtred, Beocca, Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric arrive. Uhtred holds a blade to Ælfric’s throat.

Finan recovers Uhtred’s sword and gives it back to Uhtred, World health organization disarms Bloodhair and is moments away from killing him before Ragnar intervenes and calls an end to the battle. Ragnar tells Uhtred to take Skade and leave. ("Episode 3.4")

Edward’s strategy is foolish, and he inevitably falls back as his men are killed. Edward warns them that soon they will be surrounded and massacred if they don’t surrender. Uhtred hides himself with a shield and approaches Edward while remaining concealed. He tells Edward to fall back, but Edward sends his men to attack. ("Folge 4.9")

Finan arrives outside of Beocca’s house to Teich the flames soaring, so he check here sends Osferth to find Beocca. Sihtric has begun helping douse the flames with buckets of water. Finan asks if Thyra was inside as she left the palace, but he is uncertain.

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